YAAARGH!!!!! Mike still has not completed our next comic, and I have officially moved to Massachusetts (or however it is spelled) for my second co-op job. I start work with Hasbro Games tomorrow and Mike will be back in school and working on our comic. This site may also be redesigned soon, until then we are going to be setting up a more definite schedule and re-vamping all of the previous comics to match in style and fixing up the rest of the cast and info pages. until then enjoy this BLEACH filler art of Rukia. Oh and a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and Happy other Holidays.

I'm finally getting off my arse and writing an update. First: Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone Second: I made another filler art. Mike is currently trying a new style of comic art (The way Ken Akamatsu draws his works) I currently have two frames of it and hope to have the rest soon so I can finish the coloring. In the meantime enjoy the DN Angel filler art.

Hey its Master Mike here, sorry about the lack of news updates there is no excuse except for the simple fact that "WE'RE BUSY" so again I'm sorry. In the time that we haven't been around we have done a lot. for instance we traveled to Ikasucon wich was amazing, and for all you anime fans I recomend you going next year. Also I've been getting comics done fairly quickly and soon I will have a stockpile of comics. this way we wont have a repeat of last school year when we would go for a while without updating so thats good. And if you haven't noticed are improvement in comic quality I suggest you check out the last couple issues and compare them to say six months ago. Anyway I'm planning on going back and redrawing those and improving them so whenever I get that finished I will probably post it on the news board. Also I hope to get my portfolio up and running just as soon as Dave has time to get the layout done. Oh! and why no feed back, come on guys we want it don't be shy about it, we promise we wont bite well i might but dave wont and he's the one your emailing so.....get to it. well I really don't have anything else to say so.... oh wait yea I have to rant about my new computer I will be getting its a Mac power book like dave has only mine is slightly better and less expensive so we will be updating alot more alright, guess i'll let dave rant for a while now (grammar barely even edited) My turn... what Mike said. Also the archive page will be updated soon and the portfolio sight link will be fixed (works on the main page though). I will end my rant now with the announcement of the new comic coming tonight or tomorrow. (Mike's new comp will actually be just as expensive as mine was over two years ago...lot of upgrades in that time) ~David

SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha hahaha I've taken over. but seriously I actually finished a comic and it's a good one full of thrills and chills and all that great new stuff including a black guy with a very interesting monolog. Comics should be getting up alot more quickly now that I'm out of school. And by the way the filler thats currently up is one of my Photoshop projects Though the design is horrible I plan to be making some better ones, so look out in the future. more news I'm trying to get dave to build me a portfolio so look for that some time this summer. also we need feed back we need feed back like a hobo needs a ham sandwich so give us some, it only benefits you as the fans. ~"Master" Mike

As for me, I will actually have a real job this summer and no homework so you should be glad that more comics will be coming. (ps: IM CRAZY) ~David

Sorry for the extremely long delay in comics... again. Our lives have been tough recently, My grandmother passed away from cancer and Mike has his own issues. Please bare with us and the next comic should be up soon along with more profile art for our characters.

Another long delay... looks like Mike can't keep up to a deadline. The good news is that the strip is up and Mike has a story board for the next one. Maybe I'll get the drawing by the end of the week? Enjoy this issue and remember that keenspace has free webcomic hosting.

Well, I am putting up a filler art of Naru from the anime "Love Hina" today because Mike has not drawn a comic for me to color. The comic was supposed to go up tomorrow so I hope our readers enjoy the filler and Mike will finish the comic today... I hope... and it will be up sometime next week. There may also be a brief hiatus if this plan fails because I am traveling with the UC Bearcats to Memphis TN for the Conference USA tournament (go pep band). ~David
ps: send all hate mail to Mike Ellis courtesy of our contact link.

The comic is two days late, sorry for the delay but the Cinema 4D rendered background should be a nice addition to the style. A piece of friendly advice. In college some teachers can be extremely stupid and pass a flu-like virus around to her whole class. That just happened to me last week and as a result almost my entire school is sick because of one of my teachers. Not good. Also some of my portfoliio is now online so feel free to check out the little bit that is there. Keenspace FREE comic hosting is c00l!

After a week of being sick Mike was able to finally get me the the comic on the 5th. Sorry for the delay and we will try to get the next one out earlier than two weeks from now. And a special note to anyone who cares. My Grandfather is currently hospitalized due to a life of smoking and My Grandmother on the other side is also being diagnosed with Alzheimer'(sp?) and she has a bad back. Keep them in your prayers and hearts. - David

Another update!!! Feel free to journey to the cast page and checkout the character concepts all of the eight Chosen members (7 of them have picture along with profile). Also several of

In other news... A new comic should be in development this weekend or whenever Mike hands me the pencil version.

as always contact us via the contact link and remember Keenspace free hosting for webcomic artists.



I finally fixed another link on the page and I believe everything else is in working order. We are now updating regularly every two weeks give or take a few days (but nomore than two weeks if it can be helped). As always you can use the contact link to send us Comments, criticisms, question... or whatever. Have a great day and remember thatEverScape.Net is hosted by Keenspace (free hosting, no joke)
David Stull.



Happy New Year everyone and a belated Merry Christmas!
There are still a few things I need to fix with the new site design, however everything is once again in working order EXCEPT my my portfolio link because I am now redoing that site as well. Also, there is a new first comic because of the change in the storyline so feel free to go check it out at the beginning. Please enjoy the new issue with our first look at the new Character Eric Slate. As always questions and comments are welcome.
EverScape.Net is hosted by Keenspace (free hosting, no joke)
Have a nice day!


The site is in working condition for the viewing of the comics now, along with links to the original webpages for authors, cast, links, and archive.

Also, Mike is still drawing the next comic so I put up a special 3D version of the original prologue "Portal" image. This part of the story is finally begining and since that image is replacing the original starting issue... there will be a new opener soon.

The rest of the days updates include fixing the bugs on the main page and archive page, as well as the first official cast page. Feel free to check back often over the next week. As always please feel free to send comments, criticisms, and anything else to ES_Net@hotmail.com (I'm trying to figure out how to make that a link now)



New Site design is nearing completion.
still need links
and other pages.

Please be patient...

And EverScape.Net is hosted by KeenSpace free comic hosting!!!

